www.harbours.net - La guida ai porti di Sicilia - articoli edocumenti

The Ministries of the European Union are going to review the agreement again

30 giugno - June 30th. - A bill fixing the limitation to emissions in the sea is coming from Brussels; it will be effective from 2006 for the Baltic Sea, from July 2007 for the passengers' ships of the European Union and from 2010 for the vessels moored or in transit in the internal navigable routes. The legislation, whose purpose is to make the "clean vessels" obligatory in the Mediterranean Sea, to penalize the passengers and goods traffic, involving a return to the traffic by road, which is very polluting and at the risk of more accidents. Furthermore, the ferry-boats gearing to such norms involves high costs for the main navigation lines, especially for the links to the islands. The European Parliament, in a second reading, will review again the text agreed by the Ministries of the European Union before the final approval.

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English translation by Antonella Pozzobon

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