LogScribe V 1.0
Access: 11/6/100 to 12/6/100
Total number of records: 14757

Stats By Browser

(Now showing top 10 browsers out of a total of 77)
Mozilla/4.0: 13159 (89.17 %)
Mozilla/4.7: 258 (1.74 %)
Mozilla/4.5: 234 (1.58 %)
Mozilla/4.75: 137 (0.92 %)
Mozilla/4.61: 112 (0.75 %)
Mozilla/3.01: 108 (0.73 %)
Mozilla/4.51: 97 (0.65 %)
Mozilla/4.73: 80 (0.54 %)
Mozilla/4.72: 58 (0.39 %)
Mozilla/4.08: 55 (0.37 %)

By Usama Wazeer and Daniel Cedras.