www.harbours.net - La guid ai porti di Sicilia

Mrs. Halliburton has been accompanied by the President, Mr. Santo Castiglione during her visit to the harbour. The harbour agency of the Etna area is still carrying out its strong activity and organization of meetings aimed to obtain new international collaborations to enlarge development and new traffics.

CONSUL GENERAL OF THE UNITED STATES Mrs. Suneta L.Halliburton 12 Jan - Yesterday, in the afternoon, at the Port Authority of Catania, seat, the president, mr. Santo Castiglione met the Consul General of the United States, Mrs. Suneta L.Halliburton. On her visit to the port, she was able to get all the proper information related to the trade and entrepreneurial sectors of the Etna area post of call, looking forward to future collaborations. Mrs. Halliburton was particularly interested on the activation of the Security plan, entered in force in July, which should ensure all prevention and emergency measures in case of any future openings of the cruise and trade traffics with the Americas. In the next few months the shipping-point, that is to say the scanned control of the containers handled within Catania's port, requested by the American authorities, should finally become a reality. In the next weeks the President, Mr. Santo Castiglione is going to Naples to return the visit of the American Consul. "The positive result of our meeting - Mr. Castiglione explained - represents a high quality certification of the work carried out so far, in order to place the port of Catania in a barycentre position on the trade traffic ways of the Mediterranean sea:" Mrs. Halliburton was born in New York, took her degree at the State University of New York (SUNY) in Oswego. She got a Master at the University of Middlebury and attended a specialization course in Publics and International Transactions at the of Post-Degree Specialization Institute of the University of Pittsburgh .She started her diplomatic career as Administrator at the American Embassy American of Lima, Perù, with consul, trades and administrative competences. She was the manager of the Human Resources in the Consulate of Geneva, Vice Councilman Minister for General and administrative matters at the United States Embassy in Moscow, when the new diplomatic centre was under construction, as well as Administrative Councillor at the American Embassy American in Helsinki. In the same period, she was also Vice Head ad interim of the Diplomatic Mission. Being the executive manager of the Economy and Entrepreneurship Division of the State Department in Washington, Mrs.Suneta Halliburton was also involved in delicate bilateral issues. (english translate msr. A.Pozzobon)


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