Insurance expenses for carrying cash on board and Conveyance expenses(cars,
motor-boats, etc.), daily expenses for trips out of the town, posta, telex,
telephone, as well as similar expenses, which the Ship Agent incurs in the
interest of the Principal, are not included in the fees set forth by this
decree and shall be charged separately, provided they are documented.
The charges incurred by the Ship Agent for the intervention of the Custom
House Broker and related formalities shall be debited separately.
For those vessels arriving/sailing after 14.00 Hrs on saturday, sunday and
holidays the Ship Agent is entitled to a fee of Lit 450.000 .
For those vessels, for which the Ship Agent is not bound to the rules and
provisions refered to articles 3, 4 and 5 of Law 135/77, the Ship Agent is
entitled to a fee of 10% of the applied tariffs with a maximum of
Lit 225.000. For those vessels arriving/sailing in night time the tariff to
be mutually agreed between Owners and Ship Agent.