Compulsory minimum and maximum tariffs legally
established as the fees to ship agents for their services

For assisting in at disembarkation or embarkation of members of the  crew
not engaged by the Ship Agent, including the  formalities of staying  and
repatriation, etc., th Ship Agent is entitled, in addition  to  the other
fees provided for by this tariff, to a fee of Lit 110.000 for each person.
If this operation concerns more than one person at the same time,the fol-
lowing fees shall be applied :                                           

Lit 110.000 for the first person ;              
Lit  56.000 for each additional person up to 20;
Lit  27.000 for each person over 20.            

For crew members who are listed on particular engagement lists and  whose
enlistment and call are attended by the Shipowner directly,the above fees
shall be reduced by 50% .                                                

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