Compulsory minimum and maximum tariffs legally
established as the fees to ship agents for their services

In  case of  shipping  companies, whose vessels are included in art.2b, or
industrial groups or shipping companies affiliated to them that with their
own managed or time chartered vessels regurarly load or unload oil product
and/ortheir derivatives, produced or destined to industrial plsnts to har-
bour depots or inland terminals, the fees in art.2a or in 2b shall be  ap-
plied, from1st call and for all calls, with the following reductions  pro-
vided that vessels, not in liner service, be handled in same  port by  the
same Ship Agent:                                                          
Up to      24 calls  no reductions
for        25   "    16% reductions ( from 1st and for all calls) 
from 26 to 40   "    24% reductions ( from 1st and for all calls) 
from 41 to 50   "    38% reductions ( from 1st and for all calls) 
over       50   "    53% reductions ( from 1st and for all calls)

For  calculating  the reduction to be applied, refer to calls  during the
previous six months period. The  reduced  tariff for each call should not
be in any case less than minimum of tarif,as per article to wich it refer.

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