Porto di Augusta - Augusta's port news
Port facilities
(Click on image to see map/Cliccare sull'immagine per vedere l'ingrandimento)

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Ballast Water:Within port limits pumping out of clean/dirty ballast from cargo tanks at sea is not allowed by Port Authorities.
Tank Cleaning:Not allowed to perform any tanks cleaning or buther-worthing within port limits,unless authorized by Port Authorities.Its can be performed at anchor outer roads only.
Garbage collection:compulsory on vessels arrival and every additional day.
Bunker Supply:bunker barges can supply vessels at anchorage only under no circustances bunker barge can operate while vessels along-side terminals.
Immigration:No shore passes requested to visit town.Crew coming ashore must be provided with identity card/passport/seaman-book.

According with port regulations vessels which are not effecting commercial operations cannot stay at raffineries piers for safety reasons therefore must shift at anchor.Ships lifeboat cannot be lowered at sea,unless authorized by Harbour Master.In no case be used for trasportation of crew members.All vessels either at anchor or alongside ,must have their own engine ready at any moment for quick sailing in case of emergency.Although pilots,tugboats and mooringmen service are arranged by your agent ,Master will have to confirm to pilots on Vhf Ch 12,the time when vessel is in all respect ready to sail or leave berth.Cargo documents will be given to Master either at pier or at anchor directly by refinery representative.We recomend to ships Master to signe proper supporting voucher after port services used . Your agent is always at your disponsal for any doubt you may have abt port uses and regulations.

More Reccomendations...
Due to continuous control to the vessels calling Augusta,by the Port Authorities,we recommend you to comply strictly to the international safety rules.Particulary attention must be drawn to following point:

-Gangway/accomodation ladder must be lighted during darkness hrs
-Gangway must be positioned correctly and one anular life belt positioned close.
-Two ropes (one steel wire and one polipropylene rope) must be ready at bow and stern ao the ship and also one jacob ladder must be positioned outside vessel for emergency.
-Ship's VHF radio be watched on channel 16 continously during a whole stay in port at Augusta.

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